Work smarter not harder with these 4 productivity methods

    November 17, 2022

    We all aspire to be more productive in our everyday lives. But, unfortunately, getting work done every day becomes more difficult in an era of digital distraction. To avoid this, we often need a systematic approach to help us archive our productivity goals.


    This article will outline four productivity systems to help you reach your objectives. Productivity systems are guidelines or methodologies that aid people in maintaining specific approaches and practices to get things done more effectively.


    1- Getting Things Done or GTD 

    GTD, created by productivity consultant David Allen, helps organise tasks and priorities to manage your day more efficiently. The system is based on the premise - the more information is flying inside your head, the harder it is to prioritise where to focus your attention.

    Getting things done has five steps: capture, clarify, organise, reflect, and engage. GTD is an easy system for keeping track of your future to-do's and what you should do or consider doing. 


    2- Bullet Journaling 

    Bullet Journaling or BuJo® designed by Ryder Carroll serves as a mindfulness diary created to help people organise their what while remaining mindful of their way. Caroll, diagnosed with ADHD, developed this method to find new ways to be productive.


    3- The Pomodoro Technique 

    The Pomodoro technique was invented in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. Cirillo named this method "Pomodoro" after the tomato-shaped timer he used to track his time as a university student. This popular time management method consists of alternating Pomodoros - intensive work sessions with frequent breaks to avoid mental fatigue. For example, with this technique, you will work in 25 minutes sessions with 5-minute breaks. 


    4- Eat the Frog 

    Eat the frog is a prioritisation strategy to increase productivity and help identify complicated tasks. But how do we "eat a frog"? It is pretty simple - Identify the most challenging task on your list (The frog) and complete it when starting your working day (Eating the frog). By prioritising the tasks by difficulty, you ensure that you are working on the more critical task first, getting the most stressful task out of the way will help the rest flow easier.


    How does help you boost your productivity? helps you reach your productivity goals by empowering you to create the workflow that fits you best to manage your daily tasks. The multiple automation features and integration to extern tools keep your work aligned in one place. Besides, features like WorkDocs allow you to create and collaborate with your colleagues directly on


    We hope the previously mentioned productivity methods help you in your everyday life. If we missed any practices, share them with us!

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